Enrollment & Fees

Visit Us!

You are welcome to visit us! A visit is the best way to determine whether a school is right for your child.

To arrange an appointment, please contact us:

Birthdates and Grade Level

Birthdates to determine the grade level for the school year 2024-2025:

Preschool & Maternelle
PreSchool (~2 yo)1 Jan – 31 Dec 2022
Petite Section (3-4 yo)1 Jan – 31 Dec 2021
Moyenne Section (4-5 yo)1 Jan – 31 Dec 2020
Grande Section (5-6 yo)1 Jan – 31 Dec 2019
CP (6-7 yo)1 Jan – 31 Dec 2018
CE1 (7-8 yo)1 Jan – 31 Dec 2017
CE2 (8-9 yo)1 Jan – 31 Dec 2016
CM1 (9-10 yo)1 Jan – 31 Dec 2015
CM2 (10-11 yo)1 Jan – 31 Dec 2014

Click here to see a comparison of the French, English and American education systems:

School Fees 2024/2025

Enrollment Forms 2024-2025

The application does not guarantee a place. We will confirm your child’s enrollment after reviewing the file, after an admission appointment and depending on the availability of space.

It is possible to register your child throughout the year, subject to availability.

For all registration requests, we invite you to fill out this form:

Registration at school - Click here to download a price simulation tool: